Llangollen Flashmob
Llangollen Flashmob - GC6N6PN

A badge to celebrate the Llangollen Flashmob event held
to celebrate SideTracked Day 2016

To add this to your goecaching.com
profile, simply copy and paste the HTML code below

Copy this code into your profile page

(sometimes this button won't work, in which case you will need to select the text in the box above and copy manually.)

SideTracked Day 2016 Events

Llangollen Flashmob - GC6N6PN

The SideTracked Llangollen Flashmob badge has been revealed! To be eligible to proudly display this badge on your profile, attend the Llangollen Flashmob on Wednesday 10 August 2016.

You'll not get this automatically from Groundspeak or Geocaching.com, to obtain the award, simply copy and paste the HTML code to the right into your geocaching.com profile.

Where's the code?!

You can copy and paste the code by looking to the right of this page, underneath the Souvenir image.

Where do I add this code?

Simply add the code to the right into the about box at:
http://www.geocaching.com/account/editprofiledetails.aspx it's as easy as that!

I've added to our profile, but its not in our Souvenir page?

As explained above, this is not an official geocaching.com souvenir, you will not gain this automatically (like usual official Souvenirs) This is merely an awards Souvenir that you can place onto your public geocaching.com profile (www.geocaching.com/profile/)

Really Stuck? Need Help?

We're more than happy to help fellow cachers out! Simply head over to the Contact Us page to get in touch.